Learn something new each day! ~ ¡Cada día se aprende algo nuevo!

I had looked at discussions of people learning cluny leaves for quite a while. And one Monday in October I just decided to give them a try – I got some no. 5 cotton perlé, and followed the instructions linked – after some tries, I was going!

Hacía un tiempo que miraba las discusiones de gente que estaba aprendiendo hojas cluny. Y un lunes de Octubre decidí intentarlo – me compré hilo perlé No. 5, seguí las instrucciones (están en inglés pero son claras) – en un par de intentos, estaba haciéndolos!

flores y brazalete con hojas cluny

No pattern, just a long succession of clunies and split rings – I found adding the split rings helped me a lot – so the new cluny did not “mix” with the one before.

No usé un patrón, simplemente una sucesión de hojas cluny y anillos dividios – agregar los anillos divididos me ayudó un montón, porque me permitió distinguir bien una hojita de la siguiente.

And one things leads to another, I wanted to try “hanging clunies” – the explanation on the nov. 2006 entry in that blog was just totally clear, and I managed to make some fun doodles with the last of the thread in my shuttles.

Y como una cosa lleva a la otra, quise probar tambien hojitas “colgantes” – las instrucciones son muy clareas, y pude hacer algunos “garabatos” con el hilo que me quedaba en las navetas.

Here is a close up!
Vista en detalle
Detalle de las florcitas con hojas cluny colgantes

Soon after that I learnt about Georgia Seitz’s cluny bookmark challenge, perfect timing as I wanted to practice my new skill. (Scroll down on the lesson index to the November 15th entry to find the pattern diagram)

Poco despues me enteré que Georgia Seitz tenía un concurso para probar su patrón de un señalador con clunies (el patrón está en la entrada del 15 de Noviembre del ínidice)

This was my entry:
Hice esto:
Señalador con clunies verdes en el centro y borde de anillos bordó

And after we decorated the Christmas tree, I tried this small motif:

Y luego de decorar el arbol de Navidad, intenté éste pequeño motivo:

Flor cluny de pétalos rojos y borde verde

I still need practice to get them even (if you want to see the most perfect clunies on the web, check Elisa’s blog!), but I like this technique!
Me falta práctica todavía para que me salgan parejas (para ver las hojitas cluny más perfectas de la web, vayan al blog de Elisa), pero ¡me gusta esta técnica!

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Diane
    Jan 08, 2011 @ 09:31:43

    I think you’ve done a wonderful job learning to make clunies! I like the idea of trying a larger size thread. I agree… that tutorial is very well done. Now, if only I can get my hand to stay in place for the right amount of time…


  2. yavamoni
    Jan 08, 2011 @ 11:29:43

    I always start learning new techniques with larger thread. Perlé no. 5 works great for me, thick enough to really see what I am doing, but still small enough that I can enjoy the result and carry on the muscle memory to thinner one.

    As to keeping the hands still for long enough, you have the option of trying a loom – I did some each way, and both have their pros and cons – main good thing about the hand being that you don’t need to carry anything else around if you tatt on the go 😀


  3. Trackback: Celtic bookmark ~ Señalador celta « Creativa Suculencia ~ Succulent Creativity
  4. Trackback: Two Bookmarks, swapped ~ Dos Señaladores, intercambiados « Creativa Suculencia ~ Succulent Creativity

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